
Episode 29, Pt 2: My Knupples Hurt!

Here is part 2 of Episode 29. No intros, no news, we jump right into the feedback!

  • Voicemails
  • E-mails
  • Comments
  • iTunes Review
  • Much talk of knupples.. and knuckles.. and for that matter, nipples..

Episode 29 – Macros and Keybinds

This episode we talk about;

  • The t-shirts are in! They’ll be posted “real soon now ™”
  • Contest: Win a copy of the debut issue of comic book Twilight Guardian by Troy Hickman! The rules are as follows:
    • Send an Email, starting immediately to
    • We will do 2 random drawings, and Troy will mail them to the winners.
    • Make sure you include the subject: “Twilight Guardian Contest”; your full name; age (over 18); and complete mailing address.
    • If we draw you name and don’t have that info, we will go to the next name we draw.
    • Also, specify how you want it signed- either with just Troy’s signature, or with your name/character name/ or inscribed to your Aunt Fannie.
  • CoH News
  • Macros and Keybinds — examples and links specific to this topic have finally been posted on our forums!
  • I ran out of editing time, so this is getting split into a two parter. Feedback will come a little later this week.

Here is the linkage mentioned in the episode:


Episode 28 – Invention Origin Enhancements Pt 2

The late-isode has arrived 🙂 Thanks for the patience everybody!

This time we talk about:


Episode 27 – News and Feedback

Enhancements/IO Sets Part Two will be coming in the next episode. This time up we have some news, announcements, and your feedback!

In this episode we discuss:


Episode 26 – Invention Origin Enhancements Pt 1

Hot off the heals of our Balticon wrap-up comes an honest-to-goodness new episode! Why, its like Christmas in June! …or an extra Double XP weekend! …yeah, or just another episode 🙂

This week we talk about:



Episode 24 – Issue 12!

It’s the Issue 12 Patch-a-Palooza! Yes, it’s another long one. No, we aren’t trying to bore you to death. We’d like to get all the i12 info out to you, so we can get back to our regular episode schedule. Also, our throats are sore from chatting and getting loud at Balticon, so please bear with us. We sound pretty rough.

This time we discuss:


Episode 23 – News and Base Building

Get comfy, heroes. It’s a long one…

We ended up with a show chock full of news and comments, but didn’t want to postpone the Intro to Bases further, so you gets the whole jumbo sized episode in one shot!

This time we discuss:


Episode 22 – News and Comments

Today we bring you a mish-mash episode of news recorded the Sunday before we did the interview and news recorded this weekend. In addition we had comments from both weeks as well.

We had planned on this being a featurecast, but there was just so much other content that we’re going to save the feature until next week!

In this episode we discuss:


Special Episode 03 – Hero 1 Interview

As you can tell from our previous comments, we were quite excited to get on the phone with Joe! So I’m hastily posting the episode, and will take the time to write proper show notes over the next few days 🙂

Of course we talk about some i11 stuff, i12, lots about NCSoft and writing. I know we mention Playing For Keeps and Paragon Wiki, but can’t remember beyond that.

Oh and don’t forget, open beta starts Tuesday, May 6!



Episode 21 – News, Faction, and Accolade Spotlights

Chooch and Viv are both back this week! Short on the notes as we are finishing preparations for RavenCon this weekend.

In this episode we talk about:

City of Heroes Podcast