Podcast Production

Episode 5 – News

… and just news. After editing we came to a couple of conclusions. 1) the podcast is too long – wait, we already knew that – but despite attempts, its even longer than the last one, lol.  2) there is too much news right now to keep the Factions discussion as well as news and a main topic.

In light of this, we are going to take a page out of The Command Line‘s playbook and split the podcast into two weekly episodes. At least for the foreseeable future. The first weekly episode (the one attached) will be all news – both about the game, and what’s going on with us. The second weekly episode will be a main topic.

The combined length will still be around an hour and all told will contain the same content, just in more digestible sizes. Also, people that only like one type of content or the other can ignore the files of the type they don’t like.

Let us know what you think!

This episode contains info about:

  • i11 launched
  • Ouroborus
  • Badge Overload
  • Referral program
  • Free 14 day trial – with no credit card required
  • Defiance changes coming
  • a little more about animation timing changes
  • Feedback on custom weapons
  • Remote contact store bug (get while the gettin’s good 🙂
  • New Statesman Taskforce/Lord Recluse Taskforce badge
  • You can find in depth information on the Official Forums
  • Another new CoH Podcast called Jerk Radio
  • Hiatus for the Faction highlight segment
  • Promo – Space Casey

Episode 4.5 – Completion of the Powers Discussion

Kind of the opposite from the last two episodes – this one is very, very short. Actually we’re calling it Episode 4.5 as it completes the main topic “Powers” from last episode.

There wasn’t any significant news this week either, which added to the shortness (wait, is that an oxymoron?)

This ep we cover:

  • A brief explanation of content that was cut
  • One correction
  • Target selection
  • Power activation methods

Episode 4 – Powers

Another long episode this week. I actually pulled some content out so that we didn’t go past the hour mark. I will either release them into a short addendum episode this weekend, or make them the main topic next week.

This week we discuss:

  • The date has been announced for the Prestige Bump and Debt Wipe (December 10)
  • Further information on receiving temp powers again with the new Ouroborus time travel system (item echoes)
  • Respec recipies and how they’ll drop in i11
  • Faction Highlight: The Circle of Thorns
  • Main topic: Powers
    • Power types
    • Power effects
    • Power requirements/attributes
    • Inherent power discussion
      • Defiance
      • Containment
      • Critical Hit
      • Gauntlet
      • Vigilance

Episode 3 – The Chat System

We have a whopper of an episode this week. Since its a couple of days late, hopefully all of the great news discussion, terminology, and chat system info will make up for that. This episode is almost an hour long. We will try to keep future episodes shorter, but there is a lot of great information packed in here.

Topics discussed include:

  • NCSoft buys CoH IP from Cryptic (along with most developers)
  • Bonuses to all players as a thank you
  • NCSoft opens 19 new positions for their Northern California CoH operations
  • A little about Cryptic’s upcoming Marvel Universe MMO
  • Additional terminology for new players
  • The chat system including built-in channels, tabs, emotes, private channels, private messages, global chat, and multiple ways to use channels.
  • Promo for Aliens You Will Meet

Episode 2 – Teaming Strategies

The main topic this episode is teaming strategies. Specifically, what the roles on a team are, and the typical way that these roles are used to most effectively take down the bad guys.

Only two news clips this episode. First, Floyd “Castle” Grubb, the City of Heroes Development Team powers designer, narrates this trailer spotlighting the all-new power sets introduced in Issue 11: “A Stitch in Time.” The video also briefly touches on Issue 11’s new Weapon Customization feature.

Second is information on the Wonder Woman movie being placed on “indefinite hold”.

I play a promo in this episode for the new free podcast novel “Playing For Keeps“. This is a modern day story of super heroes; super villains; and third wave almost-heroes who are stuck in between. The story is written by the ‘grand dame of podcasting’ Mur Lafferty.

Mur currently hosts two podcasts: I Should Be Writing, for aspiring fiction writers, and Geek Fu Action Grip. This is her first novel; though she has been frequently published in role playing games, video games, and short story forms.

I highly encourage you to give it a listen. Mur is a masterful storyteller. And hey, if you subscribe to the “Playing For Keeps Experience” feed, there is a PDF version of each chapter with a picture of a pie on the cover! Pie I say!


Episode 1

Here is the first “real” episode. I think that I’ve solved the problem of the hot “S”es (at least in Episode 0 I heard lots of crackly bits over my FM transmitter in the car). The intro/outro are almost the same, but hopefully the news and main content will have better audio quality.

This is longer than I had anticipated any episode being at just under 38 minutes, but there was lots of news this week.

News in this episode includes:

The main topic this week is terminology. This will be a primer of common terms in the game for new players and set the stage for the weeks to come.

We play our first podcast promo – this one is for Phil Rossi‘s Crescent event.



Episode 0

I am pleased to bring you the first episode of the City of Heroes Podcast! This is a very short introductory episode to tell you a little about me, and what this show is all about.

I would love to hear your feedback! You can directly comment on the site here, or send an e-mail to

City of Heroes Podcast